Wednesday, July 9, 2008

It's a Boy!

Bird Baby!!
Little FeetProfile
So, yesterday Ben and I took a trip down to Galveston Island to go get an ultrasound of the baby. This was the big one, the one where (if all went well) we would be able to find out if the baby was a boy or girl. All along Ben and I have felt like this baby was a boy. Not once did it cross our minds that we could be having a girl, and low and behold WE WERE RIGHT! We are having a boy and his name will be Cove. Right now I am 19 weeks and a couple days along and Cove is 10 ounces. Just smaller than a pop can. The ultrasound was so amazing. Ben was so excited and amazed by the whole thing. (I guess we both were!) It was so cool because every time I felt the baby kick me, I could see what he was doing on the screen. He was kicking like a little banshee and Ben made the comment that we have a soccer player on the way, and of course I'm totally fine with that. What was funny was that every time we looked at his face he kept making faces. When we got the picture of the face we had a huge smile as if to say, "Whats up guys?" and we were laughing. He yawned for us and he sucked on his little hand. We counted fingers and toes and he has 10 of each. The doctor says he looks totally healthy and his heart looks good. Watching the heart was probably the most mind blowing part of the whole thing. I could actually see all 4 of his little chambers pumping away. It looked like a four leaf clover going to work in his tiny chest! What a miracle!! Its mind blowing that a little person is hanging out inside of me and will be joining the world is a little while! When the doctor told us it was a boy Ben let out an enthusiastic YES! He is thrilled he will be having a son. I just know they will be best friends...