Monday, December 29, 2008

Chistmas Morning!

Christmas morning was different from any other year... because we didnt have any snow it really didnt feel like Christmas. All this month I've really been trying to get into the holiday spirit but it has been pretty hard. Not being near my family was another reason i just didnt feel the usual excitement one gets around this time of year, but as I woke up Christmas morning a little bit of the excitement bubbled up. Cove got a little outfit from someone in the ward and although it was a little bit too big for him he still looked so freakin cute. He didnt like the hat to much so we put it on just for picture time and then it came off. Ben got me an awesome Italian leather journal i've been eyeing in barnes and nobles for the past few months and along with it a feather quill pen and ink. My mom and i decided to get Ben soemthing he had been looking at on the internet... Some gold dirt and a panning kit. We ordered them off the internet a week before Christmas. The gold panning kit came but the pay dirt i had ordered didnt come until Christmas Eve. i was so worried it wouldnt make it in time, but luckily it did. Ben was way excited and right after we opened presents we went outside and panned. For Lunch we went to Aprils, bens sisters, and had a great time their. All in all it was a pretty good day. Hopefully next year we can see some snow on Christmas day!

Monday, December 22, 2008

My mom came to visit and it was so much fun having her! It was so nice having someone to hang out with and talk to. Its nice having a mom that loves me and Ben and of course Cove so much!!! We love her and I wish she would have stayed longer!

Hes actually fallen alseep here. He really enjoys bath time.

We had his one month Check up and he got his PKU taken. The little purple thing on his foot was a heat pack to get the blood flowing. Cove now weighs 9 pounds 6 ounces and is 22 inches long. He is definitly growing!
I took this of my two cute boys asleep on the couch after church

Cove and Ben...
He didn't want his picture taken... he wanted to eat!
Blessing Day! We decided to bless cove while my mom was here visiting. Ben did such and amazing job on his blessing. It was so sweet! I wish my dad could have been there to see it. Ben said he was so nervouse that while in the circle he kept trying to bounce Cove faster... haha

One Month Old!! Time goes by so fast its almost sad...
More Bath Time

Ben is 27!!!

Ben just recently had his 27th birthday! His sister April made him this kick butt cake! He was so excited when he saw it. We celebrated his birthday a few days early because Bens brother was in town for Thanksgiving. It was fun! I cant believe Ben is really 27 because at heart hes still a little boy!!