Friday, November 7, 2008

Barney the R44 Helicopter

This is the helicopter Ben has currently been training in. At first they had a little 2 seater but now they have this 4 seater R44. We like to call it Barney because of its amazing paint job. Ben has been doing so well with school! He loves it! I don't ever have to tell him to study and the days he gets to fly are always looked forward to. In september he was able to fly with his instructor to Pennsylvania to take one of the little 2 seater R22 in for its engine rebuild. It took them 4 days to fly all the way there, stopping every 2-3 hours to refule. He loved it! He was able to fly most of the time and got around 27 hours logged. I'm happy he is living his dream!

This is the view from our bedroom window. I sit on the bed and spy on our neighbors all day... This is Bens parents house where we exist.
Heres Ben doing what he likes most these days... sleeping.

Here is my belly! Im 36 weeks here and I feel like a freakin hippo.
and here is Ben just hanging out.